


"Whoever says that he does not know whether His Lord is above the heavens or on earth is a disbeliever (kafir!), because Allah has said (meaning): 'The Ever-Merciful Istawa (rose) upon His Throne' [20-5 ]. And His Throne is above the seven heavens." Abu Muti al-Balkhi asked him: " What if says that yes Allah is upon His Throne but he does not know whether the throne is above the earth or on earth itself?" To which Abu Haneefa replied, "He is (still) a disbeliever (kafir), because he rejected that Allah is above the heavens , and that the creation make supplications above to their Lord and not downward." [At-Thahabee in Al-Uluw] Abu-Hanifa Fatwa:- Allah has no limits, nor any rivals…He who says, “I do not know if my Lord is in the heavens or on the earth” is a disbeliever, and he who says, “He is on the throne, and I do not know whether the throne is in the heaven or on the earth,” he is also a disbeliever. ”” (Abu hanifa, kitab al0fiqh al-akbar bi sharh al-qari (Cairo: Dar al0 kutub al-arabiyya al-kubra 1327 /1909 p16 ; cf. al-maturidi, sharh al fiqh al akbar in majmuat rasail (hyderabad: matbaat majlis dairat al-maarif al-nizamiyya 1321 /1903)

fis-Sama (above the heavens)

Now take a look How many Scholars said,''Allah is on Arsh, above Heavens''

(1) Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah (20 / 560-562) ; Ar-Rad `Ala Al-Jahmiyyah by Ad-Darimi (p.44-45) ; Musnad Al-Bazzar ( 1 / 182-183)

(2) Al`Adhamah by Abu Ash-Shaykh AlAsbahani (2 /688- 689) ; Al-Mujalasah wa Jawahir Al-`Ilm by Ahmad ad- Daynuri (6 /406) ; An-Naqd by Ad-Darimi (1 /422) ; Sharh I`tiqad Ahl AsSunnah wal Jama`ah by Al-Lalikai (3 /395- 396) ; Ithbat Sifat Al-Uluw by Ibn Qudamah (p. 151-152) and others.

(3) The text of Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar is taken from “Sharh Al- Fiqh Al-Akbar” by Abu Mansur Al-Maturidi.

(4) The doubting of Allah’s Elevation above all of creation, and the belief in the possibility of Allah being in His creation.

(5) Al-Asma wa Sifat by Al-Bayhaqi (2 / 305-306)

(6) “As-Sunnah” by Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Hanbal (1/ 280)

(7) Siyar A`lam An-Nubala’ by Adh-Dhahabi (7/461); Tadhkirat Al-Huffadh by Adh-Dhahabi (1 /168). And in another narration, Hammad bin Zayd said: “Verily, they are trying to say that there is nothing above the heaven.” (Musnad Ahmad (45/566) with a sahih chain.

(8) “As-Sunnah “ by Abdullah bin Ahmad (1/111) with a sahih chain.

(9) Ar-Rad `Ala alJahmiyyah by Ad-Darimi (40) with a hasan chain.

(10) Kitab Al-Arsh by Adh-Dhahabi (2 /191) from the route of Ibn Abi Hatim Ar-Razi who narrated it in “Ar-Rad `ala Al-Jahmiyyah”.

(11) The head of the Jahmiyyah sect.

(12) “Kitab Al-Arsh” by Adh-Dhahabi (2/201) from the route of Ibn Abi Hatim Ar-Razi who narrated it in “Ar-Rad `ala Al-Jahmiyyah”. Al-Bayhaqi also narrated it with a sahih (authentic) chain in “Al-Asma was-Sifat” (2/337).

(13) Khalq Af`al Al-Ibad by Imam Al-Bukhari (2 /17) Tahqiq: Fahd al-Fehaid. Also, Adh-Dhahabi narrated it in “Kitab Al-Arsh” (2/207) through the route of Ibn Abi Hatim who narrated it in his book “Ar-Rad `Ala Al-Jahmiyyah”.

(14) Khalq Af`al Al-Ibad by Imam Bukhari ( 2 /39)

(15) “As-Sunnah” by Abdullah bin Ahmad (1/173) with a sahih chain. “Kitab As-Sifat” by Ad-Darqutni (p.72-72); “Ar- Rad `Ala Man Yaqulu bi-Khalq Al-Quran by An-Najad (p.71) ; “Tarikh (Baghdad) Madinat As-Salam by AlKhatib Al- Baghdadi (4 /452).

(16) Sharh Usool I’tiqad Ahl Assunnah by Lalikai (3/399) with a sahih chain.

(17) Shi`ar Ashab Al-Hadeeth by Abu Ahmad Al-Hakim(p. 40-41),with a sahih chain.

(18) Sharh I`tiqad Ahl AsSunnah by Al-Lalikai (3 /402) ; And it was narrated by al-Khalal in “As-Sunnah” from his Shaykh Yusuf bin Musa Al-Qattan, as is mentioned in “ Kitab al-Arsh” by Adh-Dhahabi (2/247), and “Al-Uluw” (p. 176) , so the chain is sahih.

(19) Fahm Al-Quran wa Ma`anih by Harith Al-Muhasibi (p. 349-350)

(20) At-Tanbih wa Al-Rad `Ala Ahl AlAhwa’ wal Bida` by Muhammad Al-Malti Ash-Shafi`i , chapter: Al-Firaq wa Dhikruha.

(21) Al-Uluw Lil-`Ali Al-Ghaffar by Adh-Dhahabi (p.186) , through Al-Hakim who said: I read from the handwriting of Abu Amr Al-Mustamli… etc.

(22) Sharh As-Sunnah by Al-Muzani (p.79-82)

(23) Sharh Usool I`tiqad Ahl AsSunnah by Al-Lalikai (1 / 180-182)

(24) Al-Jame` Al-Kabir (known as Sunan At-Tirmidhi) (5 / 327)

(25) Hadi Al-Arwah Ila Bilad Al-Afrah by Ibn Al-Qayyim (p. 827 & 835-836)

(26) Kitab Al-Arsh by Adh-Dhahabi (2 /262)

(27) Naqd Ad-Darimi `Ala Bishr Al-Mirrisi (1 /340)

(28)Ar-RadAla Al-Jahmiyyah by Ad-Darimi (p39)

(29) Kitab As-Sunnah by Ibn Abi Asim (1 /342)

(30) Al-Arsh wama Ruwiyah Fihi by Abu Ja`far bin Abi Shaybah (291-292)

(31) Kitab Al-Arsh by Adh-Dhahabi (2/272)

(32) Maqalat Al-Islamiyeen by Abul Hasan Al-Ash`ari (1 / 260) , Tahqiq Mo bin Abdel Hamid

To be continued....

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